The Representation of Women in Painting (La Representación de la Mujer en la Pintura), Ciclo Mujer en la Cultura Estereotipos femeninos en el Cine, la Publicidad, la Literatura y la Pintura, Instituto de la Mujer y para la Igualdad de Oportunidades, Spain Abril a Junio 2018 40h
Management in the Cultural and Creative Industry Course (Gestión de la Industria Creativa y Cultural) March - May 2017 Universidad Antonio de Nebrija 110h
Curating, Design and Exhibition Management Course Instituto de Gestión Cultural y Artística (IGECA). Sept 2016
Diploma in Gestalt Art therapy 2008-2012 with Elvira Gutierrez (Centro de Arteterapia y Terapia Gestalt, AEGT) 690h
Drawing and Painting Workshop with Guillermo Granero (Degranero 2015-2016)
Drawing and Painting Workshop with Guillermo Granero and Alejandro Alcazar de Velasco (Taller la Salamandra 2008-2012)
Composition for Beginning Abstract Painters with Doris Charest, 2020
Abstract Collage: Creating Compositions with Tissue Paper with Jane Davies
Collage Workshop with Carolina Chocron and Amalia Pereira 2016 Bilbao, Spain
Collage Workshops Collagistas Festival 2016 Eindhoven; NL
Feminist Collage Workshop with Javier Serna 2016 Madrid
Feminist Collage Workshop with Cristina Villalba and Nacho Álvarez Lucena (Collage Collective Baja Calidad) Madrid 2016
Collage Workshop Aurora Gorrion 2015 Bilbao
Collage Workshop Elsa Sobelman 2015
Poetry Workshop 2013-2019 Giuseppe Dominguez
Experimental Poetry Lab with Giuesseppe Dominguez 2018
Performance Workshop Giuseppe Dominguez 2015
Videocreadoras Short film and Gender Workshop 2013 with Nuria la Pastora
Member of the Spanish Feminist Collage Collective, La Recortada
Tanja Ulbrich (1975, Calgary, Canada)
BA, DEA and Master´s degrees in Social Sciences (Anthropology, People Management.) Trained in personal Coaching with the use of Humanistic Expressive Arts and Gestalt techniques and methodology as well as Intercultural Mediation. She currently works with Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Spain. She centers her creations on psychological, cultural and social phenomena.
Collage Exhibitions:
Abril 2023
Por mis Santos Cajones
Pop-Up Group Assemblage Exhibition organized by Malvón Collage Collective.
Studio RGF Arriaza 11, Madrid, Spain
Septiembre 2022
Por mis Santos Cajones
Group Assemblage Exhibition organized by Malvón Collage Collective.
Covington Gallery, Madrid, Spain
July 29 - August 7, 2022 Migration: International Collage Exhibition
Venues: 54th Vintage Week and the Arts Festival (Birr Vintage Week & Arts Festival) in Birr, Ireland and Praga Cultural Center in Praga-PóÅ‚noc in Warsaw, Poland.
14 Marzo - 16 de Mayo 2021 Mujeres Libres Exposición Colectiva Feminista, La Recortada, Fundación Entredós, Madrid, Spain
9 August 2020 " Glue Porn: 2nd Edition", Street Art Exhibition organized by l’Associazione culturale “La Biddina” and Associazione Mansourcing in Grotte, Sicily, Italy.
January- February 2020 The Schwitters’ Army Collection of Collage Art at MERZ Gallery, permanent collection, Sanquhar, Scotland.
5-8 September 2019 "Universal Language" Collagistas Festival Collective Exhibition Maison du Peuple St.Gilles, Brussels, Belgium
13-16 de September 2018 "“Big Village, Small World”." Collagistas Festival Collective Exhibition Temple Bar Gallery, Dublin, Ireland
Junio 2018 Collective Exhibition "Tiempo Colectivo La Recortada, Se Alquila Margen, Madrid, España
22- 29 de September 2017 "Beautiful Monsters" Collagistas Festival Collective Exhibition Stecca, Milan, Italy
13 July- 2 September 2017 " Working Gender" La Recortada, Espiritu23, Madrid, Spain
25 June al 30 July 2017 Small Collectivo di Arte Contemporanea, Palazzo Beneventano Lentini, Italy.
6 May til 23 July 2017 "Yo Soy" Collective Exhibition Cervantes y Compañia Madrid, España
13-27 May 2017 Small Collectivo di Arte Contemporanea, Palazzo Ceramico, Caltagirone, Sicilia, Italia
14-16 Abril 2017 Collective Exhibition "La República de las Mujeres" Internacional Teatral, Valencia.
6-18 March 2017 Collective Exhibition "Mujeres al Margen" Colectivo La Recortada, Centro Cultural Azuqueca de Henares, España
11-13 November 2016 Collective Exhibition "Mujeres al Margen" Colectivo La Recortada, Se Alquila Margen, Teatro Auditorio de la Casa de Campo, Madrid, España
Noviember 4-30 2016 Solo Exhibition Libreria La Sombra, Madrid, Spain
October 6-28TH 2016 Collective Exhibition Collagistes Collective: "Twenty" The Black and White Building, Shoreditch, London.
June 16-16 Julio 2016 Collective Exhibition Colectivo Azul: "El Arte en Paz", Mercado de la Paz, Madrid, Spain.
May a 22 Sept 2016 Collective Mail Art Exhibition: The Mail Art Show at The Karuizawa New Art Museum, Karuizawa, Japan.
April 29- 31 May 2016 Loca de Mierda Society, Cafe de Mahon, Madrid, Spain.
April 1 - 10 2016 "No Joke" Collagistas Festival, Kelderman Von Noort, Eindhoven, The Netherlands.
2013 Collective Exhibition, "Pintura con todos los colores" Fundación Tomillo, Madrid, Spain.
2011 Collective exhibition Colectivo Azul " El Mar y sus Productos" Sala de exposiciones Obra Social Caja Avila. Arenas de San Pedro, Avila.
2023 Book Cover and Interior Ilustration, "Poesia al Peso" Ernesto Penton Cuza Madrid, España
2020 Book Cover Ilustration, Arranca Editorial, Madrid, España
2017 Collage in Gli Informali Magazine
2017 Applaudissment 21: Zeitschrift für Kunst und Literatur 2017, Munich, Germany
2016 Collage in Gli Informali Magazine
2015 Collage in Rivista Rapsodia Independant Literary Review, Rapso X pp. 113, Italy
Poetry: (Asociacion Clave 53)
7 Tumbas Amarillas 2018
Versos que se abrazan 2018
Paso Poema, 2017
Red de Versos, 2016
21 poetas sin ánimo de título, 2015
Haré confeti de mis versos 2014
© Tanja Ulbrich All rights reserved 2020